I'm a Fullstack Engineer with a Bachelor's in Computer Science. I began my freelance journey because I wanted to challenge myself and learn other languages/approaches. Now that I have expanded my portfolio I’m looking for an organization where I can use these skills. I'm seeking a dynamic, value-driven organization with a youthful spirit.
Beyond coding, I have a interest in doing sports like padel and football. I'm a person who likes to organize events and meet new people, and I'm always looking for new challenges. When I have the time, I like to play videogames like Fortnite and CS:GO.
2020 - 2022
Web Developer @ Accenture
Portugal, Remote
2022 - Present
Freelancer @ -
Portugal, Remote
Database - Mocamfe
type: web app
Platform to manage member activities, payments, and receipts
- Built with Remix, TailwindCSS, Prisma and PostgresSQL
- Used Ag-grid for the tables
- Used Zod for data validation
type: website
Dynamic and responsive website for Mediterraned
- Built with NextJS, TailwindCSS
- Used Wordpress as CMS
- Applied Figma Mockups
Credential Platform - Queima das Fitas
type: web app / mobile app
Credential management system for one of Portugal's largest festivals
- Built with Python, Flask, React and PostgresSQL
type: website
Platform to host videos and provide information on upcoming Dutch language events
- Built with React, TailwindCSS
- Focused on clean design, responsive layouts, and fast load times
- Easy to navigate and find the information you need
type: website
Developed a clean, responsive personal website focused on intuitive navigation and design, ensuring easy access to relevant information.
- Built with Next.js, TailwindCSS
- Focused on clean design, responsive layouts, and fast load times
- Hosted on Vercel
type: website
Developed my personal website with Astro to showcase my projects and skills.
- Built with Astro, TailwindCSS
- Focused on clean design, responsive layouts, and fast load times
- Used Figma for the design
- Hosted on Vercel
type: website
Developed a website with Next.js to keep track of a friendly football league.
- Built with Nextjs, TailwindCSS
- Focused on logic and being easy to interact
- Used Prisma as ORM
- Hosted on Vercel