Hugo Brink

I'm a Fullstack Engineer with a Bachelor's in Computer Science. I began my freelance journey because I wanted to challenge myself and learn other languages/approaches. Now that I have expanded my portfolio I’m looking for an organization where I can use these skills. I'm seeking a dynamic, value-driven organization with a youthful spirit.


2020 - 2022

Web Developer @ Accenture

Portugal, Remote

  • Worked on various projects, ranging from automation/load testing to web development. Initially focused on Python scripting and automation testing using JMeter, alongside data analysis in Excel. Later transitioned to an outsourcing role for Valvoline, developing a platform with Angular and Java Spring Boot, following best coding practices and Git conventions. Gained experience working with Agile methodologies.
  • Techs:

    2022 - Present

    Freelancer @ -

    Portugal, Remote

  • I began my freelance journey to challenge myself and explore new languages and approaches. Developed several websites and platforms using the latest tech stacks to stay updated and continuously learn new technologies, delivering dynamic and responsive solutions to clients.
  • Techs:


    Database - Mocamfe

    type: web app

    Platform to manage member activities, payments, and receipts

    • Built with Remix, TailwindCSS, Prisma and PostgresSQL
    • Used Ag-grid for the tables
    • Used Zod for data validation


    type: website

    Dynamic and responsive website for Mediterraned

    • Built with NextJS, TailwindCSS
    • Used Wordpress as CMS
    • Applied Figma Mockups

    Credential Platform - Queima das Fitas

    type: web app / mobile app

    Credential management system for one of Portugal's largest festivals

    • Built with Python, Flask, React and PostgresSQL

    Online Gastcolleges

    type: website

    Platform to host videos and provide information on upcoming Dutch language events

    • Built with React, TailwindCSS
    • Focused on clean design, responsive layouts, and fast load times
    • Easy to navigate and find the information you need

    Personal Websites

    type: website

    Developed a clean, responsive personal website focused on intuitive navigation and design, ensuring easy access to relevant information.

    • Built with Next.js, TailwindCSS
    • Focused on clean design, responsive layouts, and fast load times
    • Hosted on Vercel

    Portfolio Website

    type: website

    Developed my personal website with Astro to showcase my projects and skills.

    • Built with Astro, TailwindCSS
    • Focused on clean design, responsive layouts, and fast load times
    • Used Figma for the design
    • Hosted on Vercel

    Friendly Football League Website

    type: website

    Developed a website with Next.js to keep track of a friendly football league.

    • Built with Nextjs, TailwindCSS
    • Focused on logic and being easy to interact
    • Used Prisma as ORM
    • Hosted on Vercel